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BHRA Launches Crow Youth Education Effort

Aiden Old Elk examines how different local substrates can filter and clean water.
Aiden Old Elk examines how different local substrates can filter and clean water.

The Bighorn River Alliance has teamed up with the Crow Tribal program “Guardians of the Living Water” (GLW) program to create a place-based based curriculum for Crow Youth fifth grade students.

This curriculum combines Bighorn watershed

examples and themes with required science standards to enhance students learning through active engagement and participation in their watershed. Once a month through the end of the school year, BHRA staff, volunteers and GLW will visit fifth grade classrooms in Crow Agency to teach students about watershed themed issues pertaining to water quality, which will result in an end of the year field trip where students will collect their own data on stream health, and present their finding using the scientific circle method. At the end of the school year, students who participated in the program will then get the opportunity to learn how to recreate on the Bighorn through the BHRA’s Tenkara with the Tribe fishing program.


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