Our contractors are paid independent workers that work to research, develop, and guide the on the ground efforts of the Bighorn River Alliance’s Research Initiative.

Ken Frazer
Recently Retired MFWP Fisheries Manager
Recently Retired MFWP Fisheries Manager
At the outset of the Research Initiative, a priority was to be sure that we had as clear an understanding as possible of the authorization and plan for the Yellowtail Dam and for the roles of the many agencies with continuing involvement in the reservoir, the dam and the river. Ken disc . . .

Karin Boyd
Owner, Applied Geomorphology, Inc.
Karin is working on creating and compiling spatial data, and evaluating flow patterns on the river. The goal of this work is to provide a baseline project dataset that includes air photos, mapped banklines, bank armor etc, that will help us understand some aspects of how the river has changed historically and where it is going with current management. Our hope is then . . .

Anne Camper
Regents Professor, Civil Engineering and Associate Dean, College of Engineering
Anne Camper earned her bachelor’s degree in microbiology from Montana State University in 1975 and has since distinguished herself in a number of extraordinary ways. She received the first doctorate to be awarded in civil engineering at MSU, was the first woman to be named a Regents Professor by the Montana University System in 2013 and was selected in 2014 as a fellow of the Nat . . .

Craig Hossfeld
Craig Hossfeld is the president and co-owner of the family owned and operated Out West LLC. Out West is a Dayton, Wyoming based firm that provides Agricultural and Engineering consulting and services in Wyoming and Montana. Craig grew up working on farms and ranches and has 7+ years’ professional experience as an engineer and project manager in the agriculture, oil & gas, and . . .

Warren Kellogg
Stream and Watershed Consulting
Warren Kellogg served as the as the BHRA's Research Manager with the responsibility of coordinating 2019 research activities included in Bighorn River Alliance Research Initiative. In addition, Kellogg was responsible for developing a long-term water quality monitoring plan that will characterize the Bighorn River's water quality from Yellowtail Dam to the Yellowstone River . . .

Kayhan Ostovar
Rocky Mountain College,
Yellowstone River Research Center
Kayhan is an Environmental Science and Wildlife Conservation professor at Rocky Mountain College (RMC) and the director of the Yellowstone River Research Center. With RMC students he will be coordinating the Bighorn Water Quality Monitoring Program and reviewing the literature to assess the potential effects of American white pelicans on fish in the Bighorn River. He has conducte . . .

Peter M. Rice
Peter was a Research Associate at University of Montana from September 1970 through August 2020 working in applied environmental science and ecology. His scientific specialties are in applied plant ecology with an emphasis on weed management methods and the response of the entire plant community to pursuit of the management goal(s). He has a broad range of experience with particu . . .

Mike Sanctuary
Confluence Consulting
Mike Sanctuary is a Stream Restoration Specialist, and has 18 years of experience planning and implementing aquatic habitat and water quality improvement projects. As a Principal and Senior Project Manager at Confluence Consulting, Inc. Mike coordinates with engineers, botanists, aquatic ecologists, geomorphologists, and excavation operators to create functional streams, rivers, . . .

David Stagliano
Montana Biological Survey
Insect life in the substrate is not only of particular interest to anglers, but is a singularly important indicator of overall health of the ecosystem. Dave provided a review of the published research on macroinvertebrates in the river then suggested both location, frequency and method for a comprehensive sampling plan. There was also interesting discussion of the pos . . .

Tony Thatcher
President, DTM Consulting, Inc.
Tony has a masters degree in spatial science and has spent the past 23 years developing data, tools and analysis techniques for studying both the natural environment and human influences to that environment. I am tasked with compiling a historic timeline of spatial data for the Bighorn River to help understand changes to the river, both pre- and post-dam construction.   . . .

Emery Three Irons
Little Big Horn College
Crow Water Quality Project
Principal Investigator, GIS Watershed Project
Emery Three Irons is a GIS analyst for the Crow Water Quality Project at LBHC. Emery was raised to understand that the world works in a spiritual way and has learned there is a scientific way. He aspires to bringing spirit and science together. His graduate research used spatial analytic methods to understand coliform contamination of private well water on the Crow Reservation an . . .