flow management
highlights of our work.
The Bighorn River Alliance is an active advocate for sustainable river flows that benefit the wild trout fishery, recreational opportunities to the resource, and downstream land use practices that depend on considerate and fair water management planning.
Bighorn River Issues Group
The Bighorn River Alliance serves as an advocate for the River and its fisheries through participation in the Bighorn River System Issues Group, a group of diverse basin stakeholders including federal/state agencies, landowners, agriculturalists and reservoir interest groups that exchanges information, data and recommendation pertaining to current and forecasted river management practices. Through this group, uses and needs of the Bighorn River system are re-examined to find an appropriate balance of public benefits while recognizing the Bureau of Reclamation's commitment to authorized project purposes. Through this forum, the BHRA advocates for river flows that sustain the world class wild trout fishery which includes working with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks to determine minimum flow requirements for trout, and most recently, developing recommendations on changing maximum flow requirements for trout.
BHRA Impact
Through working partnerships, the Bighorn River Alliance has helped in the development of:
Minimum and Maximum Flow Requirements for Bighorn Trout
Bighorn Lake Operational Review and Improvement Recommendations
Yellowtail Unit and Bighorn River Governmental Authorities and Operating Criteria Report
Ongoing monitoring of Operating Criteria recommendation implementation